Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 Gone-2011 Here

Heylo people,

If you're sad about 2010 being over then join the club =D If you dont then you must really hate 2010. Anyways,for me 2010 was awesome because it is my first year of teenage life and its awesome.I got to do alot of things I couldnt do when I was 12 and below. Just yesterday my mum,sis,bro and me went to watch Narnia 3. If you havent then you should because it is really nice but there are some scary parts.

Anyways,im not here to promote Narnia 3 so continuing my story,my sister bought adult tickets for my mum,herself and my bro and bought me a KID ticket =.=" I feel so insulted but it was okey because my price of ticket was only RM 5 and adult ticket is RM 11. Well, I was accepted in the movie cause I was short so I could go in xD haha. Ah well, I save RM 6.Trust me when I say 13 years old is the best year of your teenage life & maybe 17 cause we get to drive and finish SPM and nevermine. =) 13 is still the best.

That's all I want to say about 2010 and hope next year will be as awesome as 2010 =D Have a Happy New Year!!! Love, Joy

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