Tuesday, December 14, 2010

GY Camp Rocks!!!

Heylo People!!
This is my shorter story of GY Camp (I edited most of the not so important details) This year is my first year of youth camp and it was awesome I tell you!!! The first day of camp I met some new friends =D they are really nice.Introduce Britt,Cheryl and Esther were my roomates and Samantha is my non-christian friend I brought to camp.

The food in camp made me have stomach ache alot of times cause the food there is not so good but the games was awesome =D My team's name is Kingdom for Christ. We played paint war. All everyone has to do is just draw a smiley face on each other teams cardboard without dying.We can also save our friends who died by killing one of our enemies and take their life and give it to our friends.My team din win in this game though but we had lots of fun and by the end of the game I was dehidrated so i felt like fainting.

The next game was Cluedo.You think it is the board game dont u? but well,your wrong =) Its LIFE CLUEDO! In this game all we have to do is find out who is the murderer,what weapon he used to kill somebody and in wat room.My team din win again but we did get 7th place so thats kinda okey lah. The game is exactly like the board Cluedo game so I already new how to play it =) On the 2nd day I made alot of guy friends.Introduce,Joel Ong,Darren,Elijah,Hant Nhing and many more.We all played this game named Guardian Angel.All everyone has to do is everyday,we have to give our mortal a present until the last day and our GA have to give us a present everyday too.At the end of the camp,we have to tell out mortal who we r.For me it was different. My GA was my mortal and for his vice versa.So we just have been like exchanging presents to each other xD weird.

The worship team rocks!!! Everyone was touched and started kneeling and crying and worship Jesus!! the one and only awesome God! We all had fun jumping for God and hearing abt the miracles God did in our life.My friend samantha was saved and she accepted Jesus in her heart.Hallelugah to that =DD Welcome to the sister hood Sam!!!

On the last day of camp was suppose to be the best cause we finally got to noe who our GA was and other stuff lah but mine was the worst =.=". Every year,GY Camp play this game on the last day of camp which is called tiger caught! They catch ppl doing wrong stuff in camp and punish them like there was this girl who wrote to her GA im sorry I did not eat ur local fruits present cause I dont like local fruits and this guy wore pink boxes and got caught for that xD and for me was,well..Benny just wanted to get back at me so they made a video of them coming to our room and asking us a few questions and at the last part of the video..they made my voice sound reli deep and slowed it down and I was saying "Wat do u want from me?" to Benny =.=" so yeahh and they punish me by putting red paint all over my hand.HAHA.Nice one Benny but I will get you back ;) That is all for camp.I really enjoyed it and im for sure coming next yr so book me on the list for next's yr's camp =D God Bless and have Merry Christmas!!!

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