Thursday, December 9, 2010

Doggie Found =D

OMG!!! OMG!! Kiko got its christmas wish ;) Let me tell you the full story of how Kiko finally found a Dog loving family.It was 9.30pm in the night and I was bathing because I just came back from Jen Yee's hse which was quite late too.After I was done bathing,I came out from the bathroom and saw my sis chatting on the phone saying "REALLY??!! you want it?!!! REALLY??" and I knew she found an owner for Kiko already =) Once she finished chatting,she put down the phone and shouted saying "MY FRIEND WANTS KIKO!!!!" Me and my sis was jumping up and down like MAD ppl!! We ran into the hall and told my whole family about it =) I thank God because my dog was getting abit upset because Kiko kept on doing and following everything she I guess now Lucky must be jumping up and down too =D

P.S. thx to those people who helped to promote and told all their other friends about Kiko being homeless..I appreciate it alot and so do Kiko ;) God Bless You and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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