Sunday, December 26, 2010

Celebrating Christmas in 2010

Heylo people!! Christmas is now over and excited for 2011.My christmas time with my cousins were,how do I describe it? Bad,not soooo good and ok lah.Every year my family celebrate christmas with my cousins.We usually eat dinner together,sing some christmas songs and pray and then only open presents =D But this year was wayyyyyy different.Let me just say that..this year we took of the sing some christmas songs and pray of the list.For me this year christmas was like celebrating it like how non-christians celebrate it.

Christmas was suppose to be about God's birthday but instead all we did was eat dinner and open presents and that was just horrible!!! I told my sister that but she disagreed with me.She thinks this year's christmas was the best ever =.="'s like I'm the only christian person in my family who wants to celebrate God's birthday.The good part about this year was that we did some quality spending cousins time together like playing board games and chatting with each other.The presents this year was also awesome =D

Well,I guess there are pro's and con's about christmas this year but I wish it can all be joined back up together next year's christmas.Love Joy =)

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