Monday, January 3, 2011

Last Blogger Post

Ok..I lied about this being my last post but it will be my last post until I'm free to write a new one. As you all noe,school has already started and I'm busier this year becuz I was chosen to become class monitor. I have to do more things and sometimes sacrifice my time for my class. Let me just tell you about my first day of school =)

I met alot of new friends and my teachers are really nice and my class is very near the toilet, bengkel (KH) and library =D But the worst part is on the first day I already got Maths H/W. I love school =) other than waking up super early but its nice to be around friends and teachers that always support you.

Well that is all...I will tell you on facebook once I update my blog ;) Do come back for more interesting stories!! Back To School with Joy (lame phrase line..I noe =( needa find a better one)

1 comment:

  1. Are you planning to become a novelist? Cause it seems that punctuation is acceptable and you being able to express yourself pretty well for a 14 year old...
